Caverton Aviation Training Center also offers training on its HELIMOD III Procedure-trainer with Virtual Reality capability. This device is able to deliver helicopter simulation control hardware that has the following attributes:

▪ High quality visual database

▪ Reconfigurable to virtually any aircraft type (including fixed wing) using the unique modular design

▪ Cross platform compatible / interoperable using USB ‘plug and play’ technology

▪ Equipped with a unique force trim / trim release function and control loading system that provides a very realistic ‘feel’ in the controls down. More recently, this equipment has been identified as the ultimate tool for use with VBS2 /VBS3 in Combined Arms Training Exercises.


The Helimod III can be used to carry out the following training:

▪ Recruiting
▪ Pilot screening
▪ Hover training
▪ Effects of controls
▪ Secondary effects of controls
▪ Emergency procedures (such as auto entries, long line cutaway etc.)
▪ Mission rehearsal
▪ Combined Arms Training (CATS) / Collective Training / Joint Training
▪ Part-task trainer (PTT)
▪ NAV training / IFR / GPS approach / Instrument approaches etc.
▪ Human factors analysis
▪ Weather avoidance / interaction
▪ Long-line training / Vertical Reference training


This equipment is also used for Human Factors Analysis during training.

The simulator uses an Oculus Virtual Reality Headset (current model) for the following reasons:

▪ Stereoscopic view offering true 3D immersion so the user feels like they’re physically sitting in the cockpit

▪ Excellent (integrated) head-tracking sensors

▪ Cutting edge technology which is very innovative

▪ Excellent for hover training and external load training.

The virtual reality headset lets the pilot look virtually 360 degrees around the cockpit.


Our HELIMOD III is available for wet-lease and dry-lease depending on the client’s preference. If you require more information, CLICK HERE and our team will be happy to assist with your request.