Captain Josiah CHOMS (PhD) far left is welcomed into the Board of HeliOffshore by it’s CEO Gretchen Haskins far right with the CEO’s of CHC, PHI, ERA, Bristow and WestStar Aviation.
LAGOS, NIGERIA – 19 MAY 2015 – Caverton Offshore Support Group Plc -COSG (Bloomberg: Caverton NL) the leading provider of marine, aviation and logistics services to local and international oil and gas companies in Nigeria is proud to announce the election of Capt. Josiah Choms (PhD) – Managing Director Caverton Helicopters to the Board of HeliOffshore. The ceremony took place at the inaugural AGM of the board held in Lisbon.
HeliOffshore is a global safety-focused organization formed by major providers of offshore helicopter transportation namely Bristow, CHC, ERA and PHI. By his election to the Board, Caverton Helicopters have joined this renowned group in driving technology, setting flight safety standards, sharing best practices, and advocating for harmonized safety standards for offshore helicopter operations.
As the MD of Caverton Helicopters, Capt Choms brings to the Board more than 20 years continuous experience in fixed wing and rotary wing operations. He holds the Airplane Transport Pilot Licenses (Aeroplanes and Helicopters) and is a Certified Flight Instructor and an Authorized Examiner for the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority. He is also an ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor.
During his inaugural speech Capt Choms stressed the importance of sharing best safety practices amongst the HeliOffshore operating members. Implementing the HeliOffshore lessons ensures that the industry’s safety performance will further improve. This way, we will provide our passengers with the safest and most comfortable flight possible while proceeding to the offshore work-locations. Captain Choms indicated further that Caverton Helicopters is committed to the HeliOffshore-mission of “Collaborating for Safety” and that his talented safety professionals will play an active role in the Safety Activity Groups that have been formed by the association. Capt Choms thanked the Chairman of HeliOffshore Mr. Bill Chiles for his commitment to setting up this unique association between operators that normally compete fiercely.
It should be recalled that Capt Choms was appointed the MD of Caverton Helicopters as part of a strategic move to deepen the aviation logistics business of COSG. With the ongoing development of the aviation training centre (ATC) and Maintenance Repair and Overhaul facility (MRO), he has worked to enhance Caverton Helicopters position as the leading indigenous aviation logistics service provider for the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. He was at the heart of the introduction of the state-of-the-art AW139 helicopter type into Caverton Helicopters.
As the first and only African to be so honoured, Capt. Choms’ election to the Board of HeliOffshore is a credit not only to Caverton Helicopters but also to Nigeria and indeed Africa as a whole as he will be able to contribute positively to the safety performance of the West African Offshore Aviation companies.