This section provides shareholders, analysts, the media and other interested parties with relevant information about Caverton’s strategy, financial performance, executive presentations and other useful data—everything needed to keep you up to date on investing in Caverton group. We are committed to providing timely, accurate and balanced disclosure of all material information about the company and to providing fair and equal access to such information.

Why Invest In Us

Growth Prospects

Leading indigenous company in the offshore aviation support services industry in Nigeria with strong long term growth prospects premised by the increasing participation of independents and junior E&P companies who require offshore support services

Indigenious Company

Local Content Directive requiring 70% Nigerian content in the Oil and gas Industry & Cabotage Act restricting domestic coastal trade within Nigerian coastal and inland waters to Nigerian registered vessels.


Strong management team with extensive experience in the offshore support services industry.

Worldwide Partnerrships

Key strategic relationships with best- in – class technical partners across the globe.

Strategic Blueprint

Well defined strategy to become the leading marine logistics provider in the Nigerian Maritime Industry.

Performance Delivery

Delivering value to shareholders with strong financial performance.

Latest Investor News


IR Contact

Olaide Ajayi
Investor Relations Contact
Tel: +2349087246527