Caverton Helicopters has many years of experience delivering world-class Aircraft Classroom Training and On-the-Job Training. The company under its AMO (Approved Maintenance Organization) has been involved in carrying out heavy maintenance and overhaul.
Our training is delivered in a world class facility and all practicals are done on the actual aircraft. We pride ourselves in our extensive On-The-Job Training which drives the message home to deliver competent and confident front line engineers.
Our training is delivered under strict quality control policies to ensure consistency in delivery. We have global partners in training that work alongside our training organization to harmonize the content that we deliver and are approved internationally.
The live aircraft training shall be conducted on the clients’ aircraft at our M.M.I.A., Ikeja facility or as delegated by the client.
The maintenance training offered in Caverton are as follows:
1. Engineering Refresher Training B412 (B1/B2)
2. Engineering Refresher Training AW139 (B1/B2)
3. Engineering Refresher Training DHC6-400 Series (B1/B2)
4. Maintenance Human Factors Training
5. Engineering Stores Management Training
6. Aircraft Towing Training